Saturday, February 19, 2011

Working on my dream!

I have always loved photography and I love looking around at all the photography blogs out there, but I think I am going to take that leap. I am say a prayer for me. I want to make my dream a reality, I just hope that I can do it. My husband has total faith in my work, and so I am going to do it. I hope you all have that confidence in me as well.

Monday, July 19, 2010

These are my babies. They mean the world to me. They are such different people but both have the best hearts a Mommy could ask for. I love them with every thing I have. I wouldn't know what I would do without them.

Jacob will be starting 7th grade this year. He is nervous and happy at the same time. He will be at a new school this year, and this school is single gendered. He is going through the hormones of course, and wants to be with girls but all I want him to be is happy.

Joe is starting Kindergarten next month. My baby is no longer a baby. He is a big boy now! His only obstacle is getting out of those diapers. He is stubborn like his daddy and only wants to do things in his own time. We went to walmart this weekend and the smallest size uniforms they have are size 5, which of course are too big for him. I will have to get a good belt for him and see how it goes. What will I do with the free time? My mind says go back to school but with all the other drama we have going on I am not sure if I will be able to. I want to further my photography and start having a life of my own, but I guess we will see what happens.

My Family

Hello and welcome to my new blog! I am a follower of many blogs and so I decided to make one of my own. I am married to Nate and I have three children - Jacob, 11 and Joe 5. I also have a stepdaughter, Lex 13. We have a good little life. We may not have everything in the world, but we have each other.